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Resilience in Athletes
Historically, resilience was believed to be an intrinsic quality interwoven with personal attributes, enabling individuals to adapt to various stressors and contextual challenges (Wagnild & Young, 1990). In more recent research, resilience has been perceived as a dynamic and multifaceted process rather than a fixed trait. It evolves over an individual's lifespan, based upon personal…
Psyche of Modern Teen Athlete
Student athletes, often in the pursuit of athletic and academic excellence, find themselves at risk for a range of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and eating disorders (Strohle, 2019). These issues can be exacerbated by the simultaneous pressures they face juggling athletics and academics, while also navigating a state of constant physical…
Experiential Therapy
Therapy, therapy, therapy! Everyone is talking about getting therapy and recommending therapy. The radio, internet and T.V. commercials are filled with different apps, websites, and resources for getting therapy from anywhere in the world. Maybe you would like some help with your mental health, but you don’t know what therapy is, what it can do…
Non-Chemical Treatments
With the increase in mental health issues in young adults, including depression and anxiety, doubling between 2007 and 2018 (Duffy, 2020), there has also been a large increase in the usage of pharmaceutical treatment of anxiety and depression. Though mental health issues are an incredibly serious issue, and every person both requires different treatments, and…
Teens and Sleep
I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I have ever gone an entire day at school without feeling tired and ready for a nap at least once. Though everyone is prone to an occasional bad night’s sleep, or afternoon drowsiness, more and more research is finding that it is becoming a much larger…
Going Back To School
This is the time of year when kids from all across the country end their summer vacations, and head back to school. Some students love it, some students hate it, but it is a huge adjustment for almost everyone, and can be a trigger for students and parents. Obviously returning to school can increase anxiety,…

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